Some churches do ‘membership’ we prefer the idea of partnership. We have no desire to build a bigger club, but we do desire to equip as many people to be missionaries where they work, play, and live as possible. Gospel Partnership is our way to help equip you for mission in your context and to unite together covenantally in the mission God has for us as a church.
It is a short 3 session course as seen below.
Session 1 (26th March): Gospel | Focus on clarifying our view of scripture and what the gospel is and how we should understand it.
Session 2 (2nd April): Community | Focus on who we are as a church in light of the gospel and how we roll.
Session 3 (9th April): Mission + Q&A | Focus on our unique strategy for making disciples and planting churches.
Please fill out the form below if you would like to join in.