LCC Gatherings are a great way to get a feel for who we are as a church. We’d love to invite you to come and experience a Sunday Gathering with us and below is a list of what you can expect.


A Relaxed Environment

Our goal is not to hype people up, or pressure people to conform but rather allow people the space to learn about Jesus and be themselves in the process. We like to have fun, we like to laugh and while we take Jesus and the Bible seriously, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Some people dress up, some people dress down. Some people have tattoos others would never even consider it. Some people are convinced of the Christian faith, others are not. We welcome everyone where they are at. So come as you are and just be yourself like the rest of us.

A Family Feel

This means we are diverse in demographic and include our kids as much as we can. So expect to see little ones around the place. Expect to see us all interacting with each other as one big family. We may not do this perfectly but we do tend to see ourselves as a big family.

To Hear the Bible

We love the Bible. In it God is revealed and by it we are equipped for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Every year, our preaching focuses primarily on books of the Bible with a topical series (marriage/family) throughout. This means on a typical Sunday the person preaching will have someone read out a section from the Bible and the preacher will then expand on that passage to explain what it means and how it applies to us today. If you don’t own a Bible, that’s ok, we’ll have the words on the screen for you to read along. We also have a free Bibles for you at the connect desk. Just go and grab one. It’s our gift to you.

 To Hear Lots About Jesus

We are all about the gospel of Jesus. We preach it; we sing about
it; our kids learn about it. We make no excuses for this. The gospel is good news of who Jesus is and what he’s done for us. We believe this is the central message of the whole Bible and the very reason we gather as a Church.

To Sing Songs

We tend to do a mix of modern songs and great hymns to modern music. We believe singing is a great way to thank God for who he is and what he has done.


At LCC we do communion every week. Because we have a relaxed feel we don’t force everyone to participate. In fact we believe that if someone is not yet a Christian that they should just sit back and observe this part of the gathering. Rather we’d encourage you to believe in Jesus first.


9:30am: Family Worship (we include our kids in this part of our gathering)

9:50am: 3 min break to sign kids into programs

9:53am: MC important announcements and introduce preacher

10:00am: Preaching

10:40am: Communion and worship

11:00am: After church hangs



Our services are held at Bountry Boulevard State School

190 Bounty Blvd, North Lakes QLD 4509 

There is plenty of parking on the school grounds.


See you Sunday!