Sunday 22nd March

Welcome to our very first Online Church Service. It’s a strange time that we’re in, and it’s easy to be distracted from the truth of who God is by all of the trouble and the noise that we’re seeing daily. It’s easy to become anxious and weary, so the purpose for us gathering is to encourage one another to get our eyes on Jesus. We’re going to spend this time being encouraged and edified in God’s word.

For the kids: If you’re watching the service with your family, your little ones might find this activity sheet useful while you listen to the sermon.


Bible Reading (Psalm 145) and Prayer


Worship: This week my song of choice has been “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” Watch the video below for a great version of it, or find it on Apple Music or Spotify.


Sermon: Tetelestai #5 - I Am Satisfied.

Just to recap the last four weeks or so, on the first week David Evans spoke on the topic, “I am Forgiven” from Jesus’ words in Luke 23:32-38 when he said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” In week two, Dave Fowler spoke on the topic, “I am Assured” from Jesus’ words in Luke 23:39-43 when he said to the criminal, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” In week three Jimmy spoke on the topic, “I am Adopted” from Jesus’ words in Matthew 27:45-50 when he said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And then last week if you heard it on the podcast, Kyllum preached on the topic, “I am Ransomed” from Jesus’ words in John 19:30 when he said, “It is Finished.”

[Note: When we recorded this sermon, we thought we were doing personal huddles, so please ignore any language along those lines.]


Communion and Benediction


Thank you for joining us! We’ll be joining together with our brothers and sisters at LCC North Lakes. Kyllum will be preaching on the topic “I Am Ransomed” from John 19:30.

Life Kids

Parents, it would be great for you to teach this week’s life Kids lesson! You can find below the instructions for parents and some activity/colouring in Sheets for the kids.