Setting up and packing down

We are so blessed by the use of the CCSA Hall on Sundays. We value our ongoing relationship with the convenors of the hall, and we desire to do everything we can to make life easier for our landlords.
It’s critical that we leave things neat and tidy, and by putting things back where we find it.
Far from being tedious, this is a great way to show Sue (Hall Manager) that we care.


  • Please refer to this diagram for how the chairs and tables can be set up.

  • Please keep an eye on numbers during the service in case more crackers and cups of juice are needed.

    How to use the coffee machines

  • It’s so important we put things back EXACTLY as we found it and for the chairs to be stacked correctly. If someone helps out, that is great, but it needs to be checked over.

    Packing away the chairs



If you have any feedback, particularly about gear not working, items that need to be repaired, more resources, or anything like that, please contact Ainsley using the button below: