In fact we would go so far as to say that worship is more than a value, it’s even more than something we do. It’s who we are. We are worshippers!!! Worship means to place worth onto someone or something. Every person is continuously pouring worth out. It’s who God created us to be. Worshippers. And what greater privilege than to be saved by God, brought into a right relationship with God and to worship him and enjoy him forever.
With this in mind LCC views worship as more than singing a few songs on a Sunday. Worship is more than that throughout the week and worship is more than that at a Sunday gathering. Therefore we our team is simply called the Music-Team. This is not to devalue what our singers and musicians do, but to clarify that all that happens in our gatherings (Bible reading, prayer, communion, singing) is worship. The music team play a specific role in leading us to worship God through song.
Song has a unique way to inform our minds and move our hearts. It can get to the intellect as well as the affections. Therefore we aspire with our music to be both theological and practical. We want good words. Words that tell us the truth about God. Words that tell us the truth about ourselves and words that tell us what God has done for us, is doing in us and will continue to do through us. We want good music. Music that is able to move the affections of our hearts. Music that is reflective of the culture we are reaching and music that inspires us to sing from our hearts. At LCC we want both.