Our Identity

We are a Spirit-led family of missionary servants learning to worship Jesus in all of life.

When someone comes to believe the gospel they are given a new identity in Christ. The gospel not only saves us ‘from’ sin, it also saves us ‘to’ a new identity (Col 3:12-17). It doesn’t just address the negative (problem) it establishes the positive (purpose). Jesus Christ has saved us from sin—we are no longer slaves to it.

So, at LCC, this means that we are:

A Family

We are children of God who love and care for each other as a family (Eph 2:14–16; Rom 8:12–17).



We are sent ones of God, joining him on his mission to restore all things to himself (Acts 1:8; John 20:21; Matt 24:14; Matt 28:16–20; 2Cor 5:20).



We are servants of God who serve God and others as a way of life (Jer 29:7; Matt 20:28; Gal 5:13; 1 Pet 4:10).



We are disciples of Jesus who take responsibility for our own growth and the growth of others (Mat 4:19; Eph 4:11–16; 2 Pet 3:14–18; 2Tim 1:13; 2Tim 3:16).



We are God’s image-bearers, reflecting and bringing glory to him as a way of life (Eph 1:4–6; Rom 1:18–25, 11:33–12:2).


Our Rhythms

We also believe that there is a direct correlation between who we are and what we do. 

In addition to saving us 'from' sin and 'to' a new identity, Jesus has also saved us to righteousness and good works (Eph 2:10). If Jesus has given us a new identity, it means we have new rhythms also.

And so...

As a Family, we GATHER. 

As a family, we gather—we gather regularly and corporately on the Lord’s Day in celebration of and catalyst for all God has done for us and continues to do in us and through us as his people.

As disciples, we GROW.

As missionaries, we go—we intentionally seek ways to love and serve our neighbour where we live, work and play in order to declare and display the gospel.

As servants, we GIVE.

As servants, we give—we find ways to generously, sacrificially and joyfully love God and neighbour through stewarding our time, talent and treasure in order to see the mission of God advance locally and globally.

As missionaries, we GO.

As disciples we grow—we regularly spend time listening to God through his word, talking to God through prayer and discipling one another through Life Groups, DNA Groups, and one-on-one mentoring.

As worshippers, we GLORY.

As worshippers we glory—we seek to live all our life as a way of bringing glory and worship to God and reflecting to the world a life lived under his rule and reign as his kingdom people.


We believe that this new identity is the best way to live, and is only possible through the gospel.


We are part of the Acts 29 Network