Small groups are a wonderful and essential way of being part of the body of Christ. It’s where we can do the “heavy-lifting” of fellowship and really be in one another’s lives. 
There are a couple of different types of groups. Have a read below!

  • Most of our groups are what we call Life Groups, which are focused on eating together, praying for one another, and reading God’s word together. These groups are dispersed throughout the Sunny Coast, and our hope is that you will join a group close to home. We know that relationships can only go so deep on Sundays, and so Life Groups are where we really get a chance to share life together over food, to encourage one another in the faith, and to care for one another in meaningful ways.

    Our Life Groups run fortnightly to give you the opportunity to invest missionally into the lives of the people around you.

  • One 2 one Groups are much smaller, and are designed to help Christians get into God’s word and to help make meaningful times in God’s word a regular part of their discipleship. A One 2 One Group might be helpful for you long term, or you might find that they help for just a few months. While Life Groups are a mix of ages and stages of life, these groups are for people particular to your demographic and stage of life.

    One 2 One Groups run fortnightly to fit in with Life Groups. Because of their size, they’re a lot more flexible around a regular time.

  • We also have a playgroup for mum’s with babies. Like Life Groups, the playgroup meets regularly on a fortnightly basis and is there to encourage support and friendship for mums during that precious early time of a child’s life.

    We also have a Life Group that meets during the day for those who might find that a bit easier to get to.

  • Life Groups and Discipleship Groups are designed to complement one another. This is why we hold our groups on a fortnightly basis and the groups on alternate weeks. We think that the best way to be discipled is by regularly being a part of both a Life Group and a smaller Discipleship Group.