Serving in Kids Ministry

Thanks for volunteering to serve our kids! Our main purpose & vision for the kids ministry at Life
Centre Church (LCC) is to:

1. Connect kids to Jesus

2. Allow parents to connect to Jesus (by allowing them to sit in the service)

3. Connecting our volunteers to Jesus through serving

At LCC we love our kids and want to ensure they are kept safe. So, before helping in Creche or Life
Kids you must hold a current Blue Card. If you don’t have a Blue Card, or if you currently have one
with another organisation you’ll need to link that Card to our church. You will need to complete a
form found on the Blue Card Services website:

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping our kids safe we hold compulsory Child Safety Training. You are required to attend these annually. A record of this training as well as Blue Card numbers and expiry are kept on file. Please let us know if you update your blue card details (eg. new expiry date). A copy of our code of conduct can be found here:

I’ve put a handy link below which outlines the role of the volunteer for both Creche & Life Kids (It includes what time to get there, what to do before/ during and after the service).

Some super helpful things you can do to help me out:

1. It’s super helpful to complete any unavailability’s into Elvanto as soon as possible – we complete our rosters the month before so the earlier the better.

2. As soon as you have a roster request email please accept it & mark it in your calendar so you don’t forget.

3. Sign up to SLACK. This is the messaging app we use for Church. This is an extremely useful way of communicating to all volunteers, it also gets you connected to the church more effectively. You can turn off specific notifications and only get notified when your name is involved or particular channels. You will get an invitation for this in your emails when you sign up.

4. If you are unable to attend please find a replacement & let me know so I can amend the roster. SLACK is extremely useful for this & another reason why it’s important to be checking it, someone may need your help! Also, you never know when you may need someone else’s.

5. If you have any suggestions or ideas/ tips/ hints please let me know.

Thank you for serving our kids.

Nicky Jackson
Kids Ministry Leader

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