Event, Program, and Ministry Application
One of LCC's major missional strategies is to free our people up to reach those who they come across where they live, work, play, and worship. This means that we are always aiming to simplify our calendar and minimise the amount of events, programs and ministries that we ask our people to be a part of.
This means that we sometimes say no to some really good events, programs, and ministries.
The purpose of this process is help us decide on what events, programs, and ministries we do want to promote and/or be a part of. It also helps us understand the goals and outcomes of them.
Upon receipt of the form below, the Leaders of LCC will assess your proposed event, program, or ministry along the lines of the following questions:
- Does this event/program/ministry maintain LCC values?
- Does it fit within the LCC mission statement clearly?
- Are the aims and objectives achievable?
- Are the aims and objectives possible through an already existing event, program, or ministry?
- Does it fit within the LCC calendar?